‘Common Thread’


Sarah Cathers is fascinated by the history of textile vocabulary and how the terms have been embedded in our everyday language, without us realising. Usually when she make a collection or ‘family’, she uses a combination of different yarns and threads. For this piece she wanted the same fibres to run through each object, a nod to the patterns or common threads that subconsciously appear in our every day life.

Mediums: slate, thread, wire, plastic, stone, aluminium.


With this piece, Sarah won this year’s exhibition Emerging Maker prize.

Artist Bio

Sarah Cathers is a mixed media artist from County Down. Since graduating in 2018, she has exhibited her work in Belfast, Lisburn, London, Cardiff, Manchester, Brighton and Liverpool. Driven by the process of fragmentation, Sarah approaches her practice as a modern day archaeologist.

Sarah describes herself as ‘a naturally curious collector with an urge to record and preserve the forgotten. Fascinated by adhesives and their ability to secure and fasten materials together, I focus on the binding capabilities of thread, using fibres to conceal and repair. I aim to preserve an objects history, acknowledging the past while recognising the potential to be something other than the original purpose.

I collect discarded objects, mending and combining materials to assemble small sculptures, juxtaposing the unlikely to create a tangible record of the environment and people. I curate objects of curiosity in ‘families’ based on an instinctive response or relationship between materials.’

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