‘Bluebell Woodland’


Andrea Hayes’ artwork has developed over the years parallel with her teaching and specific elements are evident in this piece – ‘Bluebell Woodland’. The painted elements have become more experimental with use of inky washes layered up onto the painted surface. The textile element embellishes and adds texture to the piece and the addition of feltmaking materials have transitioned into her work gradually over the years while she has been working with these materials so much in her teaching practice.


Materials: mixed media; paint, leatherette, chiffon, silk, muslin, organza, wool, nepps, metallic & rayon thread.

Artist Bio

Andrea Hayes is a Textile Artist based in Co.Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Her distinctive artwork is a combination of painted surfaces onto fabric which is further embellished with applique of hand dyed fabrics/mixed media surfaces and metallic elements, finished with intricate hand and machine embroidery which acts as a drawing tool within her work.

Andrea draws inspiration from the dramatic Northern Irish landscapes, coastlines and local flora, and her distinctive style has become instantly recognizable on the craft scene in Northern Ireland.