“Witch Vessel”


Materials: Silver, steel, dried stem, handmade linen thread, driftwood base

Dimensions: 18cmx 10cm x 54cm


The Witch Vessel is composed of a number of elements, together to creating an expressive, sculptural form from the traditions of Silversmithing. The core of the piece is a hand raised silver vessel, worked up from flat silver sheet with a process of circular hammering, gifting it a soft, organic feel, quenched white, warm and inviting, a form you can imagine holding. A black sketch of a ball bursts within it, a series of hammered steel wires, woven and soldered together, floats within, contained by the top of the vessel. Through this and bound to it is a bolt of dried seed heads, tied in with soft handmade linen thread binding, these wild lines evoking the landscape, summoning a sense of nature, of being from another, other place.

Primarily my practice is prompted by my reaction to place, to a sense of being in a landscape, it is a physical manifestation of feelings, ideas, imagined stories which need to be told. The materials in my work informs everything, how I’m drawn to collect and gather materials and found objects, the challenge of how to use them in a manner which elevates what they have to say. There is a response too in how I work my chosen materials- in a way so they compliment the found and the gathered, at times being difficult to see which was found, which was fabricated. Ultimately they aim to cause a reaction with the viewer – to make connections, interpretations and find stories of their own within them.


Artist Bio

Stuart Cairns is an Irish artist/maker whose practice is concerned with investigating the environment- landscapes composed of liminal spaces, hinterlands, tidelines and fringe spaces. He explores his relationship with them through the forms, images and objects he creates with his personal culture of walking, photography, drawing and the collection of found objects.

Cairns has exhibited widely; selected exhibitions include Collect, Somerset House, London 2024, Walking the Wild, Make Hauser & Wirth, Somerset 2023, Tool Kit, Pragmata Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2021, Nothing To Look Forward to but the Past Tulca 2020, Galway 2020, Narratives in the Making, Ruthin Craft Centre, Wales 2017, Silver Speaks, The Victoria & Albert Museum, London 2016. His work is in the public collections of The Ulster Museum, The Arts Council of Northern Ireland, the University of Ulster and the National Museum of Ireland as well in the collections of numerous private collectors.