Ice Spectrum


Materials: Silver and vitreous enamel

Dimensions: 3 x 34 x 22cm


Ice Spectrum is a set of vitreous enamel and silver bowls made as a reaction to a very cold spell of weather with widespread frost and ice throughout Northern Ireland. This set is different to other sets I’ve made as I concentrated on more subtle colour variations in the enamel having been influenced by the bubbles and air pockets formed in the ice. These bowls are made with vitreous enamel (glass) which is ground finely in a mortar and pestle. The enamel is suspended in water and applied wet with a quill to the surface of the silver and fired very quickly in a kiln. The layers of enamel are built up slowly, and fired each time, before finally being ground back with carborundum before a final firing. So many different reactions take place in that moment of firing. I am asking a lot of the silver and enamel to react with each other and fuse together as so many variables can change the outcome of the work.


Artist Bio


Cara Murphy is a silversmith based in County Down, who works mainly to commission and exhibits her silverware internationally. Her silver tableware is represented in many national and international, public and private collections including the Goldsmiths’ Company Collection, The Silver Trust Collection at Downing Street, the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, the Ulster Museum, the National Museum of Ireland, the Office of Public Works in Ireland, the Shipley Art Gallery in Newcastle Upon Tyne, Aberdeen Art Gallery, the Arts Council an Chomhairle Ealaoin, the Irish Embassy Collection, the Pearson Silver Collection, and the Royal College of Art.

Cara is a QEST scholar and a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths. She is a selected member of Contemporary British Silversmiths, an Associate Academician of the Royal Ulster Academy, and a selected maker of the Design & Crafts Council Ireland’s Irish Craft Portfolio.