The Gift - as Heirloom

Craft NI and the Association for Contemporary Jewellery & Silversmiths N.I. welcome you to The Gift – as Heirloom, a contemporary jewellery exhibition which promises to awe the viewer with a rich  tapestry of techniques, materials and concepts, making this Christmas Jewellery Selling Show a must visit over the coming weeks. 

CRAFT NI are delighted to welcome ACJNI to Craft NI Gallery for a second Christmas jewellery selling show. ACJNI will bring the most accomplished new work from ten of their members and associates. This year the selected makers will create neckpieces and earrings in response to the title of The Gift inspired by Lewis Hyde’s book of the same title.

Jewellery has a strong association with being gifted, usually as an act of love, devotion, or a memento to mark an occasion. It carries deep personal stories and powerful narratives that connect us through generations and time – an heirloom.

The Gift is an exhibition that will represent the richness of approaches and a diversity of materials, skilfully combined to create meaningful stories about our culture and values. It is also an opportunity to see and purchase the work of our best contemporary designer makers brought together at the CRAFT NI Gallery.

Participating jewellers are Anne Earls Boylan, Jill Graham, Cameron & Breen, Clodagh Molloy, Lotus de Wit, Fiona Kerr, Camilla Prey, Eddie Doherty and Celine Traynor.

Venue: CRAFT NI Gallery, 115-119 Royal Avenue, Belfast.

Dates: Thursday 18 November – 24 December 2021.